Battalion Wars


Last Updated: 2024-12-20 08:58:06

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Title Date Price
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED! 2024-12-16 $14.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED WORKING 2024-12-14 $9.95
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested & Working 2024-11-30 $11.99
Battalion Wars - Nintendo Gamecube Authentic Tested Game Disc Only 2024-11-30 $12.50
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested 2024-11-28 $10.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested & Working 2024-11-20 $18.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - w/ Manual & Fully Tested! 2024-10-23 $29.95
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED WORKING 2024-10-20 $9.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - w/ Manual & Fully Tested! 2024-10-09 $29.95
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested & Working - AC45 2024-09-30 $19.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED! 2024-09-25 $17.09
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED WORKING 2024-09-19 $12.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only TESTED! 2024-08-12 $17.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) w/ Manual & Inserts 2024-08-08 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - DISC ONLY - TESTED & WORKS 2024-08-05 $14.59
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Case And Disc Only Tested Working 2024-07-07 $24.75
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested FreeShipp 2024-06-27 $16.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Disc Only - Tested & Working 2024-06-24 $14.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) w/ Manual & Insert 2024-06-09 $32.95
Battalion Wars - Nintendo Gamecube Disc Only 2024-05-09 $13.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - Disc Only Tested 2024-04-29 $13.99
Battalion Wars - Nintendo Gamecube Authentic Tested Game Disc Only 2024-04-25 $15.95
Battalion Wars Turok Star Wars Hitman Nintendo Gamecube Disc Only 30 Game Lot 2024-04-17 $175.00
Battalion Wars Nintendo GameCube 2005 w/ Manuals 2024-04-15 $25.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Case And Disc Only DOESN'T WORK 2024-04-15 $12.00
Title Date Price
Battalion Wars (Gamecube) *CIB COMPLETE ~ GCN 2005 Nintendo Advance Famicom Wars 2024-08-17 $28.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) CIB complete with manual & Inserts 2024-08-17 $29.99
Battalion Wars Nintendo Gamecube - Complete CIB 2024-08-10 $57.95
Battalion Wars *TESTED/WORKING* (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) CIB Complete In Box 2024-08-07 $29.99
Nintendo GameCube GC Game Battalion Wars CIB Complete In Box 2024-08-04 $18.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) CIB Complete TESTED 2024-07-22 $26.77
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - Complete, Tested!! Very Nice! 2024-07-14 $29.99
Battalion Wars Complete CIB (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-14 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Complete Authentic Rated E Everyone 2024-07-09 $32.49
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Complete in Box CIB 2024-07-07 $24.99
Battalion Wars for Gamecabe 2005 Excellent CIB Tested 2024-07-06 $29.99
Battalion Wars - CIB (Gamecube) 2024-07-05 $20.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) COMPLETE CIB 2024-07-03 $25.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Complete CIB Tested & Working 2024-06-29 $31.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) CIB Complete Tested Working W/ Manual 2024-06-26 $34.97
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Authentic, Complete, Tested/works great 2024-06-24 $25.99
Battalion Wars for GameCube 2005 - CIB - Tested 2024-06-17 $35.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Complete CIB - Tested - Authentic 2024-06-13 $32.95
Battalion Wars for Gamecabe 2005 Excellent CIB Tested 2024-06-12 $40.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Complete 2024-06-12 $31.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - Complete Mint Condition Perfect Disc 2024-06-03 $31.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) - Complete In Box Untested 2024-06-01 $25.00
Battalion Wars Nintendo Gamecube Game 2005 GC No Manual PAL AUS War Strategy CIB 2024-05-30 $20.23
Battalion Wars (GameCube, 2005) 100% CIB Complete Manual & Inserts Tested 2024-05-30 $34.95
Battalion Wars (GameCube, 2005) 100% CIB Complete Manual & Inserts Tested 2024-05-29 $24.99
Title Date Price
Battalion Wars Gamecube Sealed VGA 75 Graded Not WATA 2024-11-18 $80.00
Title Date Price
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-30 $25.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-29 $27.99
Battalion Wars - Gamecube 2024-08-28 $35.78
Battalion Wars Case and Game (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-28 $19.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-25 $24.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-24 $25.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) No Manual 2024-08-11 $22.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-10 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-09 $22.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-09 $25.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube) With Manual FREE SHIPPING (ACC) 2024-08-05 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-08-05 $17.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube) 2024-08-03 $15.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Tested Working 2024-08-02 $23.95
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-31 $20.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-31 $28.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-21 $23.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Game & Blockbuster Case Tested 2024-07-18 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-15 $24.50
Battalion Wars Nintendo Gamecube Tested Clean 2024-07-14 $24.99
*Tested In Pics*Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) Video Game No Manual 2024-07-13 $21.75
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube) With Manual FREE SHIPPING (ACC) 2024-07-10 $24.99
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-09 $25.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-08 $30.00
Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube, 2005) 2024-07-05 $20.99